How to save for college How to save money for college
Saving for college is very hard if you don't have a job. You can save all the money that is given to your by anyone it would also be a good idea to get a job because college is expensive and maybe you should be a waitress because its easy money and you get pay good and you can save that money to go to college. Know how much to spend in the time you're with your friends because i know that people could get carried away and save everything and even collect coins. Remember to collect all your money and put it all in the bank because it's the best thing to do. Also do not touch that money even if you need it for ice cream. For no reason should you touch that money because if for a good course. Also if you need to take loans take them put be sure to pay them back on time and know all the information you need about a lone. Saving for college is something so important especially if your parents aren't helping you with college. Or if yous going to a community. Going to a community is not a bad idea because you will save a lot of money and it will help you at if you start soon to save. A 4 year college is very expensive and the best advice is to save all your money that you get for birthdays and if you work in a restaurant save your tips and only spend half your check. Remember to always spend what you know is that right amount. Do not spend more then you should have been spending . Also know your limits because i understand that when you have a lot of money saved up it's a temptation to spend it all and that's not the right thing to do. Just keep at this money in your savings account.
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